Dear God: The greatest celebrations are those with others, and that can be as few as just one other person.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: The greatest celebrations are those with others, and that can be as few as just one other person.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May I follow the example of the greatest of warriors, those who bring change and bring peace through peaceful means.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear Reader: Recent examples would include Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dear God: May I forgive everyone everything, not because they necessarily deserve it, but because I do.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May my faith be strong enough that I rely upon it during my most difficult times.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Many people don’t believe they can make a difference in this world, never realizing what a warm smile, and a few kind words can do.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: During the holidays, some people have lives filled with love, companionship and celebration, while many people are alone. May we open our hearts to those in need of our attention.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May love and kindness rule my heart, and forgiveness rule my soul.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: When we open our hearts to prayer, those prayers become deeply meditative and we discover a peace within ourselves that so often alludes us in our day-to-day lives.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: As I approach 80 years of age, time becomes ever more precious, and I realize no opportunity should be lost from telling others I love them.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: I wished for great riches, and you granted my wish by filling my life with love and friendship.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: You never give up on anyone, even the most wretched of sinners, as you offer the light of hope to us all.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May I bring joy instead of sorrow, kind words instead of criticism and a smile instead of a frown, to everyone I meet.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: Each of us has a purpose, a purpose that changes throughout our lives, as we grow and serve our karmic needs, while making the lives of others better.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Good health is a blessing, not an entitlement. As such, this profound gift should be treasured and enjoyed, and its results joyfully and humbly shared in our ability to help others.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Every life is a bed of roses, one filled with thorns and one filled with great magnificence, and we must each embrace both.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Whatever kind deed I can do, may I do it now, for this moment will never come again, and the opportunity will have been forever lost.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: One of life’s greatest gifts is to bring love and attention to someone in need of a friend, a need each of us can fulfill.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Sometimes little pleasures are so important. It may be a smile from a stranger, the radiant glow of a rose, or feeling good when we awake in the morning.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: It is demoralizing to think of my problems. But when I help someone else with their problems, I am suddenly aglow, my problems set aside for now.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: When I am sad, I always look for humor. When I laugh, in that moment, I have a smile on my face and a little sunshine in my life.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: I believe each of us is here to make the world a better place and to grow in the process. This can begin by bringing joy and hope to others.
With Love To All - Dick