Dear God: I prayed for what I wanted and I received all that I needed. Thank you!
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: I prayed for what I wanted and I received all that I needed. Thank you!
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May I not condemn others for weaknesses we all possess, but rather be a supportive voice of encouragement for each of us to do the right thing, starting with myself.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: We all seek happiness and I've found the best way to make myself happy is to bring happiness to others.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May each of us recognize how brief this life is and not waste the essence of life, the precious commodity of time.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: I’ve learned most of the greatest ideas were once belittled by others when those ideas were new and different. Fortunately entrepreneurs pursued those ideas anyway.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May I have the compassion and courage to raise my voice on behalf of those who have no voice.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Everyone needs to feel important, and you have granted each of us the power to make them feel that way. Thank you!
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Because I know today’s friend was yesterday’s stranger, I happily continue to welcome new strangers into my life.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Everywhere I go, may I bring hope and a smile and a welcome that will last a long while.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: However little I may have, I always have enough to share with others.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Wherever I shall live, may I plant a beautiful garden to share the joy of nature with everyone.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May I seek with others what we have in common, rather than endlessly argue over our differences.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: As I pray for the health of my child, I pray for the health of all children, for the well-being of each child belongs to all of us.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May we learn to see each other with such deep compassion that to help others becomes our life’s passion.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: To feel blessed, so many people strive for great wealth, not knowing life’s greatest blessing is itself.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Those I most respect are those who give to others when they have little themselves, and nearly empty are their shelves.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May humankind learn the greatest ideas come from the simple, and not greet them with scorn, for in new ideas we can be reborn.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God:
My message to others is: If loving humanity seems impossible, just consider you can move a mountain, if you start with one shovel full at a time. With humanity, just start by loving one person at a time.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: How can I grow if I close my mind to new ideas and keep them at bay, as I do what I can to wish them away.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Some of the greatest gifts you bestow are the warmth of a smile and the grace to forgive.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May my life be a bed of roses, with all of their beauty and their thorns, for the beauty is to enjoy and the thorns to transform.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May we each seek to be special by opening our hearts and lovingly serving others as your vessel.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May your love light this world, a candle in each heart, and for us to be greater, may this be the start.
With Love To All - Dick