Dear God: Each day, may we find something to celebrate! We might celebrate the companionship of others, or simply rejoice in the beauty of the rose bush blooming outside our window.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Each day, may we find something to celebrate! We might celebrate the companionship of others, or simply rejoice in the beauty of the rose bush blooming outside our window.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: For all the negativity in this world, when there is a crisis, many people will set aside their differences and rescue others, even risking their lives to do so.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: When we laugh together, and cry together, we bond together, for we feel our oneness and our commonality of feelings.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: Our real lives go beyond what others can see, for we are actually spiritual beings, timeless and transcendent, and only briefly in physical form.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: Life is a theatrical stage production filled with drama, optimism, failings and with all of its love and its heartbreak, and we but simple players.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: One of the greatest expressions of love is to uplift hearts by performing endless acts of unconditional kindness and compassion, while expecting nothing in return.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: To share what we own is kindness. To share someone else’s pain is compassion. To share ourselves is love. To do all three is divine.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Life is what our thoughts make of it, so may we seek beauty and not ugliness, as we rejoice in the allure of roses, and not complain about their thorns.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May I be a friend to those most in need, a voice of love, a light in the darkness, a reassurance of hope.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: The greatest beauty is to be loved unconditionally, a piece of heaven that brings light to our lives, and wholeness to our souls.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May we have the courage to proceed into the future, recognizing that we cannot live in the past, any more than a butterfly can remain a caterpillar.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Seldom do we see people for who they really are, souls who have overcome major problems, and struggling with today's troubles. What they need from us is a little love and kindness.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: Compassion comes when we discover the heart of another beating within ourselves.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: There is a purpose for each of us, one in which we can bring light into the lives of those who live in darkness, and plant the seeds of love in those whose lives are barren.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May each of us be an uplifting presence, with kind words, listening ears and an expression of unconditional love.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: When we pray for the well-being of others, we practice unconditional love, which is the foundation of our spiritual journey.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: When someone passes away, we commonly regret not having said, “goodbye,” while ignoring the many times that person wished we had said, “hello.”
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Our happiest days are those we share with others, as we touch their lives with love, laughter and light.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May this day be my masterpiece, one in which I make someone else’s life better, and bring a little love and laughter wherever I go.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: The best of all friends is the one who is there in tough times, with generosity and words of encouragement when they are most needed.
With Love To All - Dick