Dear God: With so many busy bodies, I've learned to ask in my heart; When you mind other people's business, who is minding yours?
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: With so many busy bodies, I've learned to ask in my heart; When you mind other people's business, who is minding yours?
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May my faith be strong enough that I rely upon it during my most difficult times.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: When I see conflict building, may I have the wisdom not to take sides and the courage to help resolve the situation before anyone is hurt.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: The greatest prayer is one on behalf of others, and the most rewarding prayer is one of gratitude when that prayer is answered.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: My happiest moments come not from celebrating my own successes but from opening my heart to all and bringing joy into their lives.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: When people frustrate me, they are not the problem, I am. Either I must adjust my thinking to recognize I don't control them and move on, or set a better example by my actions.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: The whole world is seeking love and to those who open their hearts to bring that love, there is joy wherever they go.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: Never do we achieve anything alone, for we each need others to add their special touch if we are going to make a meaningful difference.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God:
I've learned to pray for everyone, including those who may not deserve it, but who may be in need of my prayers most of all.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God:
Many people are in doubt, for they cannot see you, nor hear you.
When I have those feelings, I see babies and hear their cry, I look at puppies and kittens and know why, for my belief is restored, as if I could see you on high.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God:
I have found the best way to make friends is to be a friend to all, and judgmental of none.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May I fall in love again and again each day, as I love ever more people and bring love to them all.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God,
May I calmly and quietly address each problem in my life, for there is no better way to solve them.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God:
It is easy to pray for family and friends, but I pray for everyone, for they are as imperfect as the rest of us and face many of the same issues I do.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: When we look into poor condition vehicles, we may find signs of people living in them. If so, may we leave money under the windshield wiper to offer an anonymous helping hand, and reassurance that someone cares.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God:
That I love others is not dependent upon whether they love me for if I am to grow depends upon me opening my heart to all.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May I be a pillar of strength for those most in need of that strength.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: It is better to be prepared and not get the opportunity than to get the opportunity and not be prepared. My preparedness has been rewarded many times, while my unpreparedness has cost me dearly.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May I be touched by your love, healed by your energy, and guided by your light.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May my house of worship be a place of peace, and welcome to everyone at no cost, no commitment and no doctrine.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: I've learned life is not an all-success journey, but rather one littered with pain, problems and setbacks, for there is no other way to fulfill our karmic purposes.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May I bring hope to everyone I meet, even to those who endanger me, for how else can I be a messenger of your peace.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: May I learn to control my emotions, for anger and frustration waste my energy and lead me to make bad decisions.
With Love To All - Dick