Dear God: Our hearts possess wings, yet most of us lack the courage to soar.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Our hearts possess wings, yet most of us lack the courage to soar.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: My compassion for others grew dramatically when I began to seek you in each being.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: I’ve learned self-control is the only control any of us have.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Our darkest days prepare our hearts to receive the brightest of light.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: Those who surrender love to have more money will find they gave up life’s most precious gift for something whose value will expire.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: I know to you, we are all immigrants for there is no permanence; we come and we go.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Thank you to my dear friend and popular writer Mary Ellen, for calling this to my attention.
Dear God: It is easy to believe in one’s own sense of self-importance, only to discover that self-importance is based upon ego. Reality is we are here to love and help others. The rest is nonsense.
Dear God: I pray for the healing of those who are severely ill or severely injured, and for the well-being of their families.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: Thank you for making me a lifelong student, ever in search of wisdom, and a lifelong teacher offering knowledge that others can claim as their own.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: I’ve learned two people can love and be intimate, even without a physical relationship, as in each other they find heaven, and the hope never to be apart.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: I pray for the good health and prosperity of others, rejoice in their victories and share in their defeats, for we are all family.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: In loving others, my heart is sometimes broken, but I thank you for every opportunity for what would be the value of a life without love.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May we celebrate life’s journey at every opportunity we can create.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May I accept fear, yet pursue new opportunities for only in this pursuit can I grow and prosper.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: That I love others is not dependent upon whether they love me, for if I am to grow depends upon me opening my heart to all.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: So many people at life's end regret all they had hoped to do and never did. Today, while there is still time, may we each find the courage to begin to do the things we hope to do.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: In good conscience, how can we appeal to you for the blessing of good health, if we do nothing to care for our bodies.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May we open our hearts and help those most in need rather than to criticize or ignore their suffering.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: I’ve learned that appearances aside, none of us is any better than anyone else, for each of us is on our own karmic journey, serving the roles we are meant to play.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: How often I've seen "perfect" relationships crumble because of human imperfections. May I never seek a perfect relationship but rather to be compassionate and patient in any relationship and adjust to the needs of my partner.
With Love To All - Dick
Dear God: I’ve realized the path to inner-peace requires forgiveness, for there can be no peace in resentment, no joy in causing pain to others.
With Love To All ~ Dick
Dear God: May I first control my ego and emotions before responding to others.
With Love To All ~ Dick